DVSA Show Me Questions

#1 When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you wash and clean the rear windscreen?

#2 When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you wash and clean the front windscreen?

#3 When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you’d switch on your dipped headlights?

#4 When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you’d set the rear demister?

#5 When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you’d operate the horn?

#6 When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you’d demist the front windscreen?

#7 When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you’d open and close the side window?

DVSA Tell Me Questions

#1 Tell me how you’d check that the brakes are working before starting a journey.

The brakes should feel firm and resistant and NOT spongy or slack. The vehicle should not pull to one side under braking.

#2 Tell me where you’d find the information for the recommended tyre pressures for this car and how tyre pressures should be checked.

You should use a reliable pressure gauge and check tyres when they are cold. You can find the tyre pressure information in the vehicle’s handbook.

#3 Tell me how you make sure your head restraint is correctly adjusted so it provides the best protection in the event of a crash.

If your vehicle has an adjustable head restraint then it should be adjusted so that the head restraint is close to the back of the head. The head restraint should also be adjusted so that it is as high as the eyes or top of the ears.

#4 Tell me how you’d check the tyres to ensure that they have sufficient tread depth and that their general condition is safe to use on the road.

The tyre must have a tread depth of at least 1.6mm across the central three-quarters of the breadth of the tyre and around the entire circumference of the tyre. The tyre must not have any cuts or bulges.

#5 Tell me how you’d check that the headlights and tail lights are working. You don’t need to exit the vehicle.

Explain how you would operate the headlight switch and tell the examiner you would walk around the vehicle checking the front and rear. You do not have to physically check as this is a tell me question.

#6 Tell me how you’d know if there was a problem with your anti-lock braking system.

The ABS warning should appear when turning the ignition and then disappear after a few seconds. If the light stays on or appears when driving then this indicates a fault with the ABS system.

#7 Tell me how you’d check the direction indicators are working. You don’t need to exit the vehicle.

Explain you would operate the switch and then walk around the vehicle checking all the direction indicators are working. You do not have to physically check as this is a tell me question.

#8 Tell me how you’d check the brake lights are working on this car.

Explain you would apply the brake pedal and ask somebody to check the lights at the rear of the vehicle. If you had to check on your own, you would use reflections preferably at night.

#9 Tell me how you’d check the power-assisted steering is working before starting a journey.

As you start the engine you would apply gentle pressure to the steering wheel, you should notice a slight movement as the power steering begins to work. The steering wheel should now be light and easy to move. If the wheel remains or becomes heavy this could indicate an issue with the power steering.

#10 Tell me how you’d switch on the rear fog light(s) and explain when you’d use it/them. You don’t need to exit the vehicle.

Turn the ignition and turn on the dipped headlights first and operate the switch for the rear fog light, check the light is illuminated. You can use fog lights when visibility is reduced to 100 metres or less.

#11 Tell me how you switch your headlight from dipped to main beam and explain how you’d know the main beam is on.

You would switch on dipped headlights first, followed by operating the main beam (usually found on the indicator stalk). A blue light should appear on the dashboard.

#12 Open the bonnet and tell me how you’d check that the engine has sufficient oil.

Locate the oil level dipstick and explain you would remove this and wipe it clean with cloth (only when the engine is cold or you would risk serious burns). You would now re insert the dipstick and then remove it again checking the oil is between the minimum and maximum markers.

#13 Open the bonnet and tell me how you’d check that the engine has sufficient engine coolant.

Locate the coolant (usually a pink liquid) and check the fluid is in between the minimum and maximum indicators.

#14 Open the bonnet and tell me how you’d check that you have a safe level of hydraulic brake fluid.

Locate the brake fluid and check the level is in between the minimum and maximum indicators.